currently only delivers to addresses in certain countries in and around the European Union. Delivery is free of charge for all purchases with a delivery address in France. For other countries, delivery charges are added to help us deliver your order as quickly and safely as possible. From September 2023, the following rates apply per order and per country: €0.00: France €2.50: Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands €4.00: Austria, Spain, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, Portugal €6.00: Denmark, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland €10.00: Bulgaria, Croatia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Cyprus, Finland, Greece, Iceland, Macedonia, Malta, Moldavia, Norway, Romania, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine Delivery of products purchased on this platform is carried out by Colissimo, and delivery times are subject to their general terms and conditions. Depending on the User's delivery address and the size of the product, this may take between 1 and 14 working days. Please note that the risk of accidental loss or deterioration of the products purchased is transferred to the User as soon as the User (or any third party designated for this purpose) takes physical possession of the products ordered. The User therefore undertakes to refuse to accept or sign for any delivery where there is clearly identifiable transport damage to the product or its packaging. If this is the case, please return the parcel with the courier and inform us at
[email protected].